Faculty Profile
James Rand
Adjunct Professor
About James Rand
Prof. Rand currently teaches at the University of Delaware and Villanova University in the areas of solar cell materials and device processing. In addition, he consults in many areas of photovoltaics (PV), including novel solar cell material development, solar cell operation, module construction, and module performance. He evaluates technology for technology transfer groups at a number of universities. He has over 30 years of experience in the manufacturing, research, and development of solar energy products. Although experienced in the entire solar module value chain, from raw materials to system level performance, his experience in the use of silicon is extensive. He regularly acts as a testifying expert with experience in securities class action, intellectual property matters, and contract disputes. Currently, Prof. Rand is designing and constructing specialized module test equipment to be used to insure long term performance for PV modules in the field.

Office: Evans 149
Phone: 302-831-2405