Abhyudai Singh
PhD | University of California, Santa Barbara
About Abhyudai Singh
Prof. Singh’s research interests are in the area of Systems and Control with applications to systems biology and medicine. Employing mathematical techniques used for studying engineering control systems we model and analyze the dynamical nature of gene-protein networks inside living cells. These mathematical models help us uncover and understand the complex feedback circuitry encoded by these networks, and how deregulation in feedback control can lead to diseased states.
Recent research efforts have focused on developing computational tools for studying the stochastic dynamics of gene-protein networks at a single cell resolution. We are also building methodologies that will combine these computational techniques with high-throughput experimental data for reverse engineering gene-protein networks and mapping novel regulatory mechanisms within them. Using such joint computational-experimental approaches we are characterizing the gene regulatory network within Human Immunodeficiency Virus and designing strategies to manipulate this networks for therapeutic benefit.
ORAU Ralph E. Powe Junior Faculty Enhancement Award

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